What are Heavy Metals?
Heavy metals are defined as “heavy” in comparison to the weight of water. We are exposed to heavy metals in a different ways, through water, food, skincare, makeup & household products, medication, air & environmental toxins. Many heavy metals are poisonous to humans, even in small concentrations and most heavy metals can bioaccumulate in the body. Bioaccumulation is the buildup of contaminants such as heavy metals or pesticides in living organisms. Humans are subject to bioaccumulation, either from consuming contaminated aquatic organisms or from exposure to contaminants in our food, air, products or water. Heavy metals do not biodegrade, which means they can last for a long time in our bodies, sometimes forever if that are not removed.

Other definitions include manganese, iron, chromium, zinc, copper and calcium (yes, high levels of even essential minerals can become dangerous)
& many more.
Known to cause brain damage in developing children, and can cause birth defects or possibly a miscarriage during pregnancy. Also known to cause cancer, gastrointestinal disorders, abnormal irritation or sensitivity of an organ or body part to sensitivity, gingivitis, stomatitis, neurological disorders, blindness, kidney damage, total damage to the brain and central nervous system, and congenital malformation. Mercury is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, which makes it easy for it to cross through the placental and blood-brain barriers. Mercury can accumulate in the kidneys, neurological tissue and liver. Mothers who have amalgam (metal/mercury) fillings unload 2/3 of their mercury load into their first born child as a way of detoxing this leads to a significant increase of mercury levels in fetal and infant body tissues, including the brain. Dental amalgam fillings have also been found to cause DNA damage in human blood cells. Mercury is a common contaminant found in certain fish and shellfish. It builds up in the ocean as a byproduct of coal burning and other industrial pollution.
Mining and processing of aluminium increase its concentration in the environment. It can enter your body through household, skincare and food products. Aluminium in the body can cause lung problems and can is considered neurotoxic and can lead to neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s. Common sources include: aluminium cookware such as pans and coffee pots, aluminium anti-acid formulations; some cosmetics, especially deodorants & aluminium foil.
Extremely toxic to humans, especially for foetuses and young children. In pregnant women, high exposure to lead may cause miscarriage prematurity, low birth weight, and problems with development during childhood. Even low-level lead exposures in developing babies have been found to affect behaviour and intelligence. Because lead is structurally similar to calcium, in children it can replace calcium in their growing bones. Once grown, the lead can release into the body and cause brain and nerve damage. It causes dysfunction of the kidney, reproduction system, gastrointestinal tract, liver, blood and brain. Prolonged exposure to lead can result in death and inhibition of the synthesis of haemoglobin, which causes problems with the cardiovascular system, central nervous system, and the peripheral nervous system. as well as anemia, fatigue, gastrointestinal issues, anoxia, high blood pressure and muscle and joint pain. Lead sources include battery waste, fertilisers, pesticides, factory chimneys, car exhaust, food, water gasoline additives, and some paint (particularly old paint as most new paints avoid adding lead these days).
A known carcinogen that can accumulate in your body for life. Cadmium remains in human bodies for decades, with long-term exposure being linked to renal dysfunction. It can also lead to bone defects and lung disease, which can eventually become lung cancer. Cadmium targets the liver, brain, and kidney and for pregnant women, cadmium can harm your placenta. Symptoms can also include nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, dyspnea, and muscular weakness. Found in rechargeable batteries, tobacco, water and food.
At low levels, chromium causes skin irritation and ulcers. Longer-term exposure, however, can lead to liver issues, neurological impairment, renal tubular damage, and cancer. Chromium is produced from burning coal and oil. It gets into the environment through fertilisers and sewage. Paper, pulp, and rubber manufacturing, as well as leather and tanning processes, also use chromium.
Exposure can cause breathing problems, lung, bladder, liver, kidney and skin cancer, decreased IQ, nervous system issues, and even death at high levels. Arsenic easily enters groundwater and soils from natural sources and industrial operations. Some crops can uptake arsenic after irrigation or from the soil, such as rice. When humans ingest arsenic, it coagulates proteins and inhibits the production of ATP during respiration. Other bodily dangers of arsenic include nerve inflammation and muscular weakness. In the cord blood of infants prenatally exposed to arsenic there were 111 altered proteins, half of which are regulated by tumour necrosis factor (TNF), a protein that plays a critical role in inflammation, cellular growth, and development-related cell signalling.
What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Heavy Metal Poisoning?
Some of the most common warning signs that you might be struggling with heavy metal toxicity include:
Chronic fatigue
Autoimmune diseases, including Lyme’s disease
Poor recovery from exercise and weakness
Skin irritation
Neurological disorders
Infertility in men and women
Brain-fog, trouble concentrating, confusion, difficulty learning and poor memory
Depression, manic depression and/or anxiety
Tingling sensations
Headaches & migraines
Difficulty breathing
Digestive issues, such as IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), constipation, cramping & abdominal discomfort
Chronic aches and pains, such as those associated with fibromyalgia
Tremors, twitching and seizures
Diabetes type 2
Brain fog
Nausea and vomiting
Impaired motor control, hearing, speech, vision and gait
Increased risk for heart attacks
Intellectual and behavioural impairments in children (including autism)
Neurological decline such as dementia
Cardiovascular, kidney, and liver diseases
Emotional instability/ mood swings
Vision disturbances
Weakness and tiredness
Multiple organ toxicity and damage
Damage to the nervous system
Chronic diseases of the respiratory system
Slow recovery from exercise and weakness
Neurological disorders
Low or high blood pressure
Blood in urine
Poor oral health
Where are heavy metals coming from in our day to day life?
The food we eat; in particular; some fish, rice, alcohol, and many non-organic foods
Exposure to environmental pollutants, such as traffic fumes, air pollution, food contaminants, cigarette smoke or radiation.
Unclean drinking water
Run off of the agricultural, construction and mining industries
Tattoo ink
Household and personal care products
Exposure to substances that carry lead, such as some chocolates, canned foods, toothpastes, old paints, insecticides, ceramic and some pottery, and soldered pipes.
Use or exposure to other household items, such as antiperspirants, baking powder, certain baby formulas, plastic toys, antacids, aluminium foil, certain metal pots and pans, stainless steel cutlery, coins, and some makeup.
Mercury amalgam filling
Avoid toxic cookware
Avoid excessive amounts of some fish (such as tilefish, swordfish, marlin, king mackerel and tuna), rice (in particular brown rice), alcohol, and many non-organic foods
Ground your body daily
Reduce exposure to EMFs
Get moving, exercise daily, this helps with detoxification
Consult your dentist if you have mercury amalgam fillings. And get them from a dentist that knows how to properly remove them.
Eat seasonally, locally, whole and organic foods.
Drink pure and clean water
Use of household and personal products with clean and non toxic ingredients
If you are going to get a tattoo be sure that they use heavy metal free tattoo ink
When purchasing baby formula or foods check with the manufactures that they are tested for heavy metals.
Stop smoking tobacco, whether normal cigarettes, e-cigarettes or vapes
Avoid excessive processed, fatty, sugary foods.
Everyday Products
Hydrogen & Structured Water Filters & Devices- FOR 20% OFF USE CODE MBSC
Triple Toxin Screened Organic Teas -FOR 5% OFF USE CODE MBSC
Water Filter- removes 99.99% of contaminants- FOR 10% OFF USE CODE GETEPIC
Supplements & herbs to assist with the removal and detoxification of heavy metals
Always consult your health care provider before starting any new supplements or herbs
If you think you are having heavy metal illness symptom contact your healthcare provider