According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, each area of the face is associated with different organs. Face mapping is traditionally used to pick up on imbalances within the body and each organ has both emotional and physical signs and symptoms that may be occurring along side acne, rashes and skin colour changes.
Lung area: on the lower cheek
On an emotional level
Grief & sadness
Not letting go
On a physical level
Difficulty keeping immunity up
Easily catching coughs and colds
Excessive or lack of body hair
Occipital headache
Fatigue & tiredness
Excess sweat or lack of sweat
Weak or excessively loud voice
General elimination troubles
Liver area: middle of the eyebrows & under the eyes
On an emotional level
Excessive or suppressed anger and/ or frustration
Bitterness & resentment
Strong emotions or stress
On a physical level
Menstrual issues: PMS, period pain and irregular periods.
Ligament and tendon issues: sprained ankles, injury-prone joints, neck and shoulder pains.
Eye problems: dry gritty eyes, seeing spots, and blood-shot eyes.
Excessive consumption of toxins: either in food or in the environment
Heart area: above the eyebrows & tip of nose
On an emotional level
Blockage of joy
Issues with self love, self acceptance, stress and being wound up
Long-term experience of strong emotions of any sort
Experiencing shock
Tendency to have an imbalanced sense of enthusiasm: may be either deficient (as in depression) or excessive (as in manic states)
Experiencing inappropriate emotional responses
On a physical level
Eye Problems: Ranging from dull, lifeless eyes, to “crazy eye”, to more physical eye problems. It also includes problems with keeping eye contact.
Issues with speech: stuttering, stammering, speech impediments and fear of public speaking. Talking excessively or too little.
Excess heat
Issues with emotional sweating: sweaty palms when nervous and breaking out into a whole-body or localized sweat in response to emotional stress.
Being startled easily
Palpitations, tachycardia & chest pain
Bladder area: Forehead above eyebrows & chin
On an emotional level
Excessive fear
Irrational Fear
Lack of decision making
Radically-changing moods
On a physical level
Frequent and urgent urination
Painful urination, dark or bloody urine
Occipital headaches
Stiff neck
Prolapsed uterus in women
Swollen prostate in men
Frequent urinary infections
Spleen & stomach area: area above the lip, top lip, on cheek under the eyes and on the nose
On an emotional level
Worry, over-thinking & general excessive mental exertion
On a physical level
Digestive issues: IBS, dysbiosis, bloating, bad breath, problems with appetite (excessive or deficient) and poor stool movements
Dry skin and mouth
Low energy issues
Weak muscles, limb issues and muscle cramps
Problems with things being “held in place”: prolapses, varicose veins and haemorrhoids
Yellowish skin tone
Blood & Circulation issues
Other blood-related issues relating to spots in this area could include: bruising easily and poor healing, menstruation issues, anemia
Large intestine area: line from nose to jaw & lower lip
On an emotional level
Not letting go
Control issues
On a physical level
Constipation & diarrhea
Slow metabolism
Swollen gums
Smelly or bloody stools
Lack of energy
Tends to gain weight
Food allergies
Foul breath
Thin hair & hair loss
Colon cancer
Small intestine area: middle of forehead
On an emotional level
Lack of discernment
Moodiness & irritability
On a physical level
Abdominal pain
Bloating & gas
Gut inflammation
Inability to focus on a single task
Constipation & sluggish gut
Congestive Heart Failure
Intestinal permeability and bacterial imbalance
Leaky gut
Kidney area: under eyes, chin & ears
On an emotional level
Excessive fear
Security and isolation issues
On a physical level
Reproductive health issues: reproductive hormones, issues around fertility, menstruation in women, and conditions like PCOS.
Willpower issues. Feeling aloof or apathetic, or having trouble with self-discipline could be behind these spots.
Bone health issues: osteoporosis, teeth problems like cavity-prone teeth and brittle bones.
Urinary issues
Hair health issues
Gall Bladder area: corner of the eyes
On an emotional level
Not having the courage to do the things you want to
Shyness & timidity
On a physical level
Problems in accessing inner wisdom and judgement
Difficult making decision
Sluggish digestion
Blurred vision
Craving greasy foods
High cholesterol
Tips for creating more balance & harmony in your body and skin:
Stay hydrated
Remove excessive toxins from your life such as smoking, cleaning products & skin products
If your signs and symptoms are ongoing or you are concerned seek professional help from your preferred practitioner
Eat a whole foods unprocessed diet
Get enough sleep and don't go to bed too late (sleeping before 12am is ideal)
Reduce alcohol and caffeine intake
Change/ wash your pillow cases regularly
Cleanse your face every morning and night (always remove your make up)
Relax (reduce stress)- meditate, get in nature, ground yourself
Get moving! Walk, yoga, weight lift etc
Remove any food allergies or reduce inflammatory foods all together
Take herbal products to assist with detoxification and balance
Eat meals slowly and do not over eat
Allow yourself to feel and then let go of emotions